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The e-Motion Coaching Model by Pablo Franzo

The e-Motion  model provides an assessment of desire emotional state before identifying objectives and an action plan to achieve it. It is a stand alone model, but the initial phase (understanding how the coachee wants to feel) can be implemented before traditional coaching models like GROW, SUCCESS, WHAT, STEPPPA, etc., to align objectives and actions to emotional needs and conect action to instrinsic motivation.

In a simple form, the implementation of the model aims at supporting the coachee on the achievement of goals that are aligned to the individual needs, even if the goals to be identified or pre-established before the intervention are external (eg. corporate need, work related, relationships, etc.), the emotional exploration will support the client by allowing him/her to conect them to the instrinsic personal motivation and provide the necessary coherence for motion in the actions phase.

e-Motion Coaching Model cycle

  1. How do you want to feel? – After setting up the safe space for the coaching sessions and a mutual arrangements with agreed acceptance of the relationship coach-coachee have been dealt with, the focus will be in driving the coachee with powerful questions towards understanding how does she or he wants to feel after a certain period. In this phase is crucial to guide the coachee away from defining context, goals or actions, and place his/her emotional needs in the center of the exploration (eg. you want the client to define emotional states desired which are subjective, conscious experience that is characterized primarily by psychophysiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states like: feeling free, less stressed, feels that he leads his life, that owns his time, conected to the couple/group/dauther, etc). The feelings the coachee wants to achieve then will drive the next questions in the model.
  2. In which context you want to feel that way? – In this phase we explore what is the context and generic (not specific) achievements needed so he/she feels the way defined in the previous step. The idea is to draw at least 3 possible scenarios that would satisfy the emotional needs and achieve the feeling the coachee desires. This stage is iterative with the previous one, as when the scenarios is drawn, the feelings desired could be redefined as usually the emotional needs are intrinsically connected to desired context
  3. What are the goals to achieve that context and feeling? – Having defined the potential scenarios to achieve the emotional state desired, its time to define specific goals that could be reach to generate the contexts defined in the previous step. In this step we guide the client to the most desireble scenario from the ones defined in the 2nd step. Then goals are identified and prioritized.
  4. What do you need to do to achieve those goals? (the Action Plan) – Now that goals and priorities are clear, its time for specific actions to be planned. Here the coach supports the exploration of possible actions that will help her/he to achieve the goals, also provide insight about how such actions could be implemented (here your experience on the field or market you work on, will provide the quailitative difference when compared with generalists coaches.
  5. Accountability – For this last phase, the coach needs to support the client to set up the structures and mechanism to sustain the proactive action needed to achieve the goals defined, and to aid him/her into the implementation of the model with more ambitious objectives once the objectives define in the first interaction of the model has been achieved. Acknowledgment and celebration will be a part of this phase.

Enjoy it! (and let me know how did it work! :).

En castellano aquí: j.mp/pabloemotion 


Pablo Franzo teaching the e-motion coaching model
